Without sounding like a broken record we cannot stress the importance of quality professional advice and strategy, as your Wealth advisers in our work for you we keep you abreast of;

  1. The frequent legislative changes,
  2. How these opportunities may be beneficial to you OR the reverse!

These are considered in our discussions with you and in our Annual Review.

Wealth Creation and Retirement planning Tip:

  • Super is a very attractive wealth creation and retirement vehicle with its low tax rate and asset protected environment.
  • This is why for many years now the government has been making it harder to contribute money into Super i.e. they earn more tax revenue if they can keep your wealth out of super.
  • This is why we have the a non-concessional contribution cap and the transfer balance cap to contend with now, getting money into super can be more difficult than some people realise and often requires clever planning.

Please call if you would like to discuss this or any matters in more detail, always obtain specific advice tailored to your situation.

You can read more here:


General Advice warning: the information in this article is general in nature, it is not advice specific to your needs. If you want to act upon the information in this article then you should seek advice from a qualified professional. VJC WM accepts no liability to any party for acting from this information unless they have sought advice in a formal engagement with VJC WM for this purpose.